Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Natural Remedies for obesity problem

1. Adapt family meals to loose extra weight:
 Instead of eating outside home, try simple preparation of food and reduce as much oils and fats as you can. Encourage your family and friends to support your diet programme.

2. Avoid binges to get flat tummy:
If somehow, you overeat due to social pressures, adjust other meals of the day or of the next day.

3. Proper Calorie Intake for Weight loss:
Since calorie intake is required by body to function properly, do not stop taking calories completely. Instead, balance your calorie intake diet. Consult a dieticians or a nutrition advisor that can help you calculate adequate calorie value and help you develop a diet plan that suits your lifestyle perfectly, while a little extra exercise would help you get rid of the excess fat cells.

4. Challenge Yourself to Loose that Extra Flab:
Challenge yourself by setting short-term and long-term goals and celebrate every success. Do not rush to lose 10 kgs at once. Stick to 1 or 1.5 kgs a week.

5. Consult a Dietician or Nutrition Expert for Proper Diet Plan:
Consulting a dietician or nutrition expert will help you calculate the correct number of calories required by your body and also help you develop a diet plan that best suits you.

6. Change Your Eating Habits to Beat Obesity:
To deal with obesity, try to change your lifestyle. Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Increase fruits intake such as papaya, pineapple and apples as they contain a lot of beneficial vitamins and minerals that our bodies require and avoid fruits like banana that provide fats to your body.

7. Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight:
When it comes to lose weight, one should have a clear knowledge of what to eat and what to avoid. Eat salads, vegetables and fruits that have natural benefits to body, e.g., wheat, barley, maize and sorghum should be included in your diet in heavy quantities. Consuming salads that contain a lot of tomatoes and mint leaves and especially cabbage, which is known to be one of the most naturally beneficial vegetables, should be included in diet if you want to loose weight as soon as possible. It is very important to avoid foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as rice and potatoes as well as avoiding sweets and candy. Also to avoid eating anything that contains high caloric chocolates and refined flour.

8. Change Exercise Routines to Loose Extra Weight:
generally occur after losing weight so do not get disturbed or discouraged by them. Start again by increasing your exercise routine. After some time, our body gets used to same exercises. Try changing routines and timings for a particular exercise so that the body doesn’t get used to it and also avoid boredom. Exercise regularly. Select varied exercises that you enjoy and those that fit your personality and your work schedule.

9. Drink Water to fight with Obesity:
While working out, it is very necessary to keep your body hydrated by nourishing it with water from time to time. Drink loads of water, as much as you can. Water loss occurs due to sweat, which can be fulfilled by drinking water and passing out all unwanted harmful material out of body.

10. Oats help Lose Weight:
oats for breakfast with 2tsp sugar. Add some apples to enhance taste and essential nutrients as well.

11. Avoid Sugar if you want to lose that extra fat:
Avoid sugar, do not stop its intake completely. Sugar is also a need of our body. However, we should try to take it only as per our body needs and avoid extra consumption.

12. Avoid Tea and Coffee to Get Rid of Obesity:
should have tea or coffee twice a day, no more than twice a day. Avoid taking sugar in them. If possible, do not have coffee as also makes a person fat and lazy.

13. Do not overeat:
Instead of three big meals, take small 5-6 meals a day. Do not over-eat. Spread food throughout the day to meet energy needs. Make breakfast the largest and dinner the smallest. Never skip meals to lose weight.

14. Do not Eat Outside Your Home:
While eating outside, select simply prepared items rather than combination dishes. Avoid fried foods, select fruits as desserts rather than ice-creams, puddings, etc.

15. Walking is Necessary for Obese:
Obese individuals should walk at least once a day. Start with fewer miles and gradually increase the miles. When you are walking suck in your stomach. Go for Power walk instead of casual and random walk. Lift a few light weights while walking or stick your arms out to the side and rotate them in circular motion. This will help you lose arms weight.

16. T.V. and Eating is a Bad Combination:
Don’t sit in front of the TV. and eat. Also, don’t eat while you lay down. This is because you will not even realise that you will go back for overeating. Also, you will also end up building calories because you aren’t doing anything active to burn them off.

17. Meditation for Weight Loss:
out some time for yourself. Meditate daily. Stop stressing as it causes fats build premises near your stomach, thighs and hips. If you are religious turn off every single electronic communication in your house and talk to God.

18. Sunlight for Winning over Obesity:
Sit in sunlight for at least 30 minutes daily. Overweight people are generally vitamin D deficient. Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D. So get sunlight but avoid sunburns.
Extra weight of body can even have life threatening effects. So it is very important to plan the treatments before starting them. Eat right foods and exercise. Make sure not to push the body too fast as there is always the chance that you could push your body over the edge, causing significant damage. The entire process of getting rid of the obesity problem should be considered as a phased process and the initial phases should afford your body the time to adapt to a whole different kind of lifestyle. Consult a nutrition expert before going for any special diet.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Get beautiful skin

1.Eat healthy. Eat healthier foods like fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can still eat other foods but lower on the intake of fat, sugar, and calories. Some foods have empty calories. Avoid them as much as possible. Try not to eat too much junk food such as potato chips, pizza, cookies, cakes, etc.

2.Consume healthy liquids: Make sure to take in plenty, i.e. 4-5 liters, of cool water (of course lessening the daily intake of alcohol is a huge help in getting that natural look). Water flushes away the toxins and gives your skin that natural glow. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.

3.Exfoliate your skin to waken it up and give you a healthy glow. Only exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, though. Over exfoliating can make you more prone to breakouts.

4.Smile. You'll reveal a new you. Avoid drinking Pepsi,Coke etc. They stain your teeth giving your smile a yellow look. Brush brush brush! always remember to brush your teeth.

5.Moisturize your skin daily. This will keep your skin soft and will also keep your skin beautiful as you get older. 

6.Skip the foundation unless you really, really need it. Heavy makeup hides true beauty! Work on your skin instead, applying coconut oil to your face before you turn in for the night will smooth and clear your skin tone plus it treats acne. Add some pink blush to the apples of your cheeks (smile when you're putting it on). Swipe on chapstick to your lips to keep them lush looking.

7.Wear clothes you feel good in, and that define your features. Try to avoid wearing clothes that do not flatter your figure. You don't need to religiously stick to every single fashion tip you come across (most are quite boring anyway) but do take the time to learn how to bring out the beauty of your unique figure.

8.Always keep your hair brushed. To keep it in place during the day, spray on a little leave-in conditioner. Keep your hair neatly groomed. Use organic shampoo and conditioner, and avoid anything with sulfates in it. To get rid of residue, occasionally add a little baking soda to your shampoo. Always wash your hair with warm to lukewarm water, never hot. Hot water strips off all the natural oils. Depending on the season, style it so that you are comfortable and your hair is protected from environmental hazards. 

9.Get your eyebrows waxed (or pluck them yourself- but make sure you know how to do it correctly) to open up your eyes. But don't pluck them too much, over-plucked eyebrows can be just as bad as messy ones! Look up some guides on how to pick the right eyebrows for your face shape first, and if you're still not sure then go to a beautician and ask their advice.

10.Stand tall with great posture. Roll your shoulders a few times to feel where they should be. Keep your chin up. Keep your head balanced atop your shoulders, avoiding "forward-head posture." 

11.Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

12.Get fresh air and exercise. Both will give you a healthy glow.

13.Have a healthy diet that includes fruit, vegetables, protein, and enough water. Don't starve yourself or try to force your body to be thinner than it naturally is; it won't work in the long run and you could end up with serious health problems. 

14.Sun protection. When outside protect your skin with a sunscreen. make sure you apply the sun sunscreen at least 15 min before you step out into the sun

15.Brush your teeth and keep good dental hygiene to have a bright smile.

16.Be confident.If you aren't then try to be. you are beautiful and always will be.

17.Exercise regularly to maintain your fitness.

18.Fragrance is the most common cause of skin-care-related allergic reactions. If you’re sensitive, be sure to choose products that are labeled “fragrance-free.” The ones that are marked “unscented” typically contain small amounts of fragrance to help mask the odors of active ingredients.

perfect cup of black tea

Have you ever heard people criticizing your choices in having caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee? Though over-indulging in anything will have negative consequences, having an extra cup of black tea might not be as bad as you might have imagined.
Personally I love my perfect cup of tea. It’s how I like to begin my day—not to help me wake up, but rather I like to enjoy a tasteful cup of bliss first thing in the morning. When it comes to herbal, green or black tea, different things suit different people and a doctor’s recommendation should never be overlooked, but for most of us, indulging in a cup or two of black tea might in fact be a healthy life choice, as some studies have shown.
Both green and black tea are made from a shrub called Camellia Sinesis, but with different processing methods. In addition to the leaves being withered, rolled and heated, black tea leaves are fermented before the final heating process.
Below are 11 health benefits of having a cup or two of black tea on a regular basis, though it should be noted that it is recommended that black tea should be consumed without any additives like milk or sugar to truly harness its benefits.

1. Oral Health: Studies funded by the Tea Trade Health Research Association suggests that black tea reduces plaque formation as well as restricts bacteria growth that promotes the formation of cavities and tooth decays. Polyphenols found in black tea kill and surpass cavity-causing bacteria as well as hinder the growth of bacterial enzymes that form the sticky-like material that binds plaque to our teeth.

2. A Better Heart: As identified by Arab L. et al. in their 2009 research paper called “ Green and black tea consumption and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis”, it is seen that regardless of people’s country of origin, individuals who consume 3 or more cups of tea had a 21% lower risk of a stroke than people who consume less than 1 cup of green or black tea per day.

3. Antioxidants: Black tea contains polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with tobacco or other toxic chemicals. These antioxidants are different from those obtained from fruits and vegetables and therefore as a regular part of our diet they can provide additional benefits towards a healthy lifestyle.

4. Cancer Prevention: Though a lot more research is required to confidently suggest cancer prevention techniques, some research over the years suggests that antioxidants like polyphenol and catechins in tea may help prevent some types of cancer. It has been suggested that women who drink black tea regularly have a lower chance of ovarian cancer than their counterparts.

5. Healthy Bones: It has also been suggested that regular tea drinkers have stronger bones and lower probability of developing arthritis due to the phytochemicals found in tea.

6. Lower Risk of Diabetes: Based on a research study conducted of elderly people living in the Mediterranean islands it was discovered that people that had been consuming black tea on a long-term basis on a moderate level (i.e 1-2 cups a day) had a 70% lower chance of having or developing type 2 diabetes.

7. Stress Relief: We all are aware and well experienced about the calming and relaxing benefits of black
 tea. Not only does it help slow you down after a long day, studies show that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate better. Black tea has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol when consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis.

8. Better Immune System: Black tea contains alkylamine antigens that help boost our immune response. In addition it also contains tannins that have the ability to fight viruses and hence keep us protected from influenza, stomach flu and other such commonly found viruses in our everyday lives.

9. Healthy Digestive Tract: In addition to improving your immune system, tannins also have a therapeutic effect on gastric and intestinal illnesses and also help decrease digestive activity.

10) Increased Energy: Unlike other drinks that have a relatively higher caffeine content, the low amounts found in tea can help enhance blood flow to the brain without over-stimulating the heart. It also stimulates the metabolism and respiratory system, as well as the heart and the kidneys.

11) Happiness Factor: If a perfect cup of tea makes you smile and lets your heart indulge a little, then what could possibly be the harm?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Pomegranates are good for you

Pomegranate season is underway. Markets are teeming with this glorious red fruit, supermarket shelves are packed with pomegranate juices, and cosmetic stores are promoting pomegranate oil-infused creams.
The fruit-with-a-crown is one of the ritual foods for the Rosh Hashana holiday. It is understood to be the fruit that grew in the Garden of Eden and which biblical scouts brought to Moses to show the fertility of the promised land. It is also said to have 613 seeds – corresponding to the 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah.

The pomegranate is a fun-to-eat but messy treat packing a tart and sweet taste. And this beautiful fruit is celebrated for its medicinal powers.

ISRAEL21c gives you 10 great reasons to add pomegranates to your shopping list:

1. Pomegranates are good for you

The pomegranate is known as a superfood. Its jewel-like seeds (arils) have been used for medicinal purposes for millennia. Packed with powerful antioxidants and vitamins, this ruby-red fruit has been shown to be a cure-all for just about any ailment. It helps stomach upsets, menopausal hot flashes, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, osteoarthritis, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the immune system, wards off the flu, reduces inflammation, reduces risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol.
“The peel is good for the heart and blood vessels; the white membrane is good for stopping diarrhea and good for wounds and ulcers of the mouth and throat. The fruit also strengthens the brain, cleanses the body and blood from toxins, and is very good at expelling worms from the intestines,” Merav Altman-Adler, who practices classic Chinese medicine, tells ISRAEL21c.

2. Pomegranate juice is heart-healthy

“The most important new issue is the cardiovascular protection of pomegranate,” says Prof. Michael Aviram, head of the Lipid Research Laboratory of Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center and one of Israel’s top pomegranate researchers.
Pomegranate juice packs a high antioxidant potency punch and protects against heart attack and stroke. According to new research coming out of Aviram’s lab and an article he co-authored in Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal in April 2013, this royal red juice has an even higher concentration of antioxidants than other sources of dietary antioxidants such as red wine, grape juice, blueberry juice, cranberry juice and green tea.

3. Pomegranates help combat prostate cancer, diabetes
A Technion-Israel Institute of Technology study led by Aviram showed that the antioxidants found in pomegranate juice may be especially beneficial to diabetes patients. Researchers found that drinking pomegranate juice reduced the uptake of oxidized “bad” LDL cholesterol by immune cells, which is a major contributing factor to atherosclerosis.
“Pomegranate at low dosages is also good for diabetics as the pomegranate sugar is not free (and harmful) but it is attached to the pomegranate’s unique phenolic antioxidants,” Aviram tells ISRAEL21c.
Two other recent studies by British and American researchers show that components in pomegranate juice help prevent prostate cancer metastasis. But Aviram warns that while the fruit juice is beneficial, “Pomegranate is not a magic bullet” in curing diseases.

4. Pomegranates make dessert wine

The Rimon Winery in Israel is one of the world’s top producers of this crimson dessert wine. Father-and-son duo Gabi and Avi Nahmias, from Moshav Kerem Ben Zimra in the Upper Galilee, developed a new strain of pomegranate for winemaking. In 2003, they produced just 2,000 bottles of pomegranate wine to test the market. Today, they ship more than 720,000 bottles across the globe.

5. There are different pomegranate varieties
Israelis have innovated different varieties of pomegranates. Some are sweeter; others keep longer. According to the Agricultural Ministry, this year’s crop is expected to yield some 60,000 tons of fruit. Of that, 14,000 tons of pomegranates will be used by the domestic market and the rest will be exported, mostly to Europe.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev horticultural researchers have introduced three types of pomegranates to the market. Prof. Ze’ev Wiesman of the plant oil biotechnology lab led the team that improved the genetic makeup of the new pomegranates — Narda, Rotem and Nitzan. Wiesman says they taste better, are more vivid in color, and ripen earlier – as was the case this season, when Israeli pomegranates hit the global market in July 2013, three weeks earlier than usual.

6. Peeling pomegranates can be stain-free

Two Israeli companies have found revolutionary ways of extracting the fruit’s seeds and oils so they can be used commercially in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Juran Technologies of Rishon Lezion uses its ArilSystem to extract a whopping 600-1,800 kilograms of pomegranate seeds in just one hour. The ArilSystem can also remove the tough peel and inner membranes of the fruit, important for the beverage industry since the tannins in pomegranate membranes add a bitter taste to the juice.
“Pomegranate is an evolving product worldwide,” Juran CEO and Marketing Director Avner Galili, told ISRAEL21c in an earlier interview. “We believe the only way to keep the pomegranate sector profitable is by industrializing it — fresh-cutting, juicing, drying and freezing.”
Caesarea-based Hefestus uses water and sound-wave technology to separate the pomegranate peel and its paper-thin membrane from the arils. To achieve optimal long-lasting shelf life, Hefestus packs the fruit in sealed trays using its patented Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) technology.

7. Pomegranates keep you young

Chinese herbology cites pomegranate juice as a longevity treatment. And thanks to the pomegranate’s antioxidant extracts, modern science and the cosmetics industry agree that topical application of products containing the ruby red fruit can keep wrinkles at bay. Pomegranate-tinged anti-aging creams, massage oils, masques and toners are readily available.
Shavit – an Israeli company specializing in all-natural beauty products – produces a line of pomegranate-infused products that are exported around the world. “Pomegranate oil is a rich source of punicic acid and this is a very strong antioxidant that helps fight wrinkles,” Aliza Shavit, a pharmacist by training and co-founder of the company, tells ISRAEL21c.
Punicic acid is a rare omega-5 conjugated fatty acid that has been shown to improve skin tone and elasticity. “Every day our faces are exposed to harmful sun rays and pollutants,” Shavit says. “The pomegranate extracts help keep the skin healthy.”
Rimonest – a company funded by the Technion and led by head researcher Dr. Ephraim Lansky has also developed a line of products for the functional food, functional beverage, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors.

8. Pomegranates are packed with religious history and symbolism
The pomegranate has enjoyed celebrity status for millennia. Widely believed to have originated in Persia (modern-day Iran), the fruit is mentioned in ancient Babylonian texts, the Bible, the Homeric Hymns and the Quran. Pomegranates appear in Greek mythology, Egyptian papyrus, Tang Dynasty characters, and ancient Armenian texts.
The Greeks called pomegranates the “fruit of the dead,” relating to the story of Hades tricking Persephone into eating its seeds in order to keep her as his wife. Ancient Egyptians saw the pomegranate as a symbol of prosperity and ambition. In Judaism, it symbolizes fruitfulness, and in Hinduism it represents prosperity and fertility.

9. Pomegranates are beautiful

The pomegranate figures prominently in Israeli artworks, such as this mosaic in Jerusalem by Ruslan Sergeev.
Pomegranates are a favorite theme in visual and literary arts.
King Solomon, in the Song of Songs, cites the fruit in one of the most famous love poems: “Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.”
Thanks to their all-religions symbolism, pomegranates can be found in artworks throughout the centuries. Famous paintings include Early Renaissance Italian painter Sandro Botticelli’s Madonna of the Pomegranate (ca. 148) and French painter William-Adolphe Bouquereau’s Girl with a Pomegranate, 1875.
Want a modern take on pomegranates? Stop by any of Israel’s crafts markets and you’ll be inundated with pomegranate-themed ceramics, woodwork, clay, photography and drawings.

10. They taste great!

Pomegranates would hardly enjoy such celebrity status if they tasted as bitter as their peel. But crack open this pink-red-purplish fruit and dig in. A bit tart but sweet too, pomegranates are a tasty and nutritious snack.
And if you’re not a fan of purple-tinged fingers, you can always stop by a fresh juice stand or order pomegranate ice cream. Enjoy

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Benefits of Mangos

Mangos taste so good that people forget they are also healthy!  Discover how the “king of fruits” can help you, plus learn fascinating trivia facts and a few mango cautions and concerns.

Health Benefits:

1.  Prevents Cancer:
Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes.
2.  Lowers Cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff)
3.  Clears the Skin:
Can be used both internally and externally for the skin. Mangos clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples. (Read more on page 5.)
4.  Eye Health:
One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
5.  Alkalizes the Whole Body:
The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.
6. Helps in Diabetes:
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood.  The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruit also have a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels.
7. Improved Sex:
Mangos are a great source of vitamin E. Even though the popular connection between sex drive and vitamin E was originally created by a mistaken generalization on rat studies, further research has shown balanced proper amounts (as from whole food) does help in this area.

8. Improves Digestion:
Papayas are not the only fruit that contain enzymes for breaking down protein. There are several fruits, including mangoes, which have this healthful quality. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination.
9. Remedy for Heat Stroke
Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing with water and a sweetener helps to cool down the body and prevent harm to the body. From an ayurvedic viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted when visiting equatorial climates is because the strong “sun energy” is burning up your body, particularly the muscles.  The kidneys then become overloaded with the toxins from this process.
10. Boosts Immune system
The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangos, plus 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy and strong.

Benefits of eating watermelon

The Watermelon is one of the most refreshing, thirst quenching fruit available year round. Watermelon is not only delicious but also very nutritious. Studies have shown that deep red varieties of watermelon have displaced the tomato as the lycopene king.

Lycopene, however, is fat-soluble, meaning that it needs certain fats in the blood for better absorption by the body. Watermelon consists of 92% water and 8% sugar.

Benefits of eating watermelon daily:

•Achieve that younger-looking skin with just 2-cups of watermelon daily. Research showed that watermelon cuts the risk of sun related skin damage by 40%. That's because watermelon is nature's richest source of lycopene, an antioxidant that scavenges the UV-induced free radicals that cause sunburn and wrinkling. Lycopene may also help reduce the risks of cancer and other diseases.
•Watermelon can help improve sleep. By eating a few slices of this fruit after dinner can extend the deep stages of sleep by 27%. The reason is watermelon's polysaccharide carbohydrates rev the body's output of serotonin. When levels of serotonin increase at night, the brain is less sensitive to disruptive stimuli (like noise) during sleep.

•Watermelon can boost energy. A daily serving of watermelon has been shown to boost energy levels by up to 23%. This is because watermelon contains vitamin B6, which the body uses to synthesize feel good dopamine. It also contains magnesium which assists in the body's formation of adenosine triphosphate. Like a rechargeable battery, this nucleotide fuels cellular function for all-day energy.
•Watermelon can help in the faster healing of wound and other skin problem. The fruit is packed with the amino acid citrulline, which the body converts to arginine. Arginine speeds the delivery of white blood cells to injury sites, plus spurs the growth of new skin tissue. Study show that these processes can help skin heal 3x faster.

•Watermelon has ingredient (arginine) that deliver Viagra-like effect. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it. Extra nitric oxide can also help treat angina, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

Tips for a juicier watermelon slices: Long-term refrigeration can sap nutrients and flavor from the fruit. But to guarantee the tastiest fruit, place watermelon in the fridge for 30 minutes before slicing it. A quick chill causes the fruit's cells to constrict. This means the juice stays in the slices instead of running out onto the cutting board.

. Heart
To maintain a healthy heart needs to follow a diet lows in fat, cholesterol, and rich in antioxidants such as (lycopene), which works to fight free radical compounds. Thereby protecting the vessels and arteries from hardening. And watermelon red rich in antioxidants, citrulline compound. Which helps to maintain good levels of histidine-arginine. Necessary for the production of nitric oxide. Which plays an important role in maintaining the elasticity of the arteries and blood vessels by helping to curb the interactions of oxidative stress.

 2. Cancer , Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene which contains twice the amount found in tomatoes. Watermelon also contains vitamin C, A. These compounds play an active role in the fight several cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer by protecting cells from free radicals damage to vehicles. Chinese study showed in 2009 that the compounds found in watermelon, working to increase the programmed death in breast cancer cells. 

3. Sexual activity Natural Viagra by this name describes the researchers watermelon red, because it is a rich source of amino acid citrulline, which works to farther expand the blood vessels, thus allowing the passage of more blood vessels to the penis leading to erection. Dr. Patel from the University of Texas turns acid citrulline to acid arginine. This is a precursor for the production of nitric oxide, which helps to aneurysm.

 4. Infections Melons plays an important role in the treatment of many infections in the body, including inflammation of the joints. This is due to the role of vitamins contained in watermelon. 

5. Kidney Melons plays the role of detergent to the kidneys of salt deposits of limestone as a result of watermelon contain potassium, which complete the task of removing salts, potassium is also working to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Thus reducing the chance of forming kidney stones. Watermelon is also working as a diuretic result because it contains a large amount of water.

 6. High blood pressure Potassium and manganese are working on blood pressure regulation, as well as antioxidants work to maintain the health of blood vessels against sclerosis, which helps to ease the movement of the passage of blood vessels, thus reducing the high blood pressure.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Best fruits and vegetables that can give you glowing skin

Most women (and some men) go to great lengths to make sure that their skin glows and they look attractive. However, beauty is skin deep and what you eat determines how you look. A diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins is considered good for your skin. But, if you are confused as to what food items you should eat, we give you a list of 10 foods that can make you more beautiful from within:
Sweet potatoes: They contain vitamin A which is anti-inflammatory and helps fight off acne-causing bacteria. It also has vitamin C which helps prevent acne and heals it if you already have it. 
Pumpkin seeds: It is packed with zinc, an essential in the creation of new skin cells and an aid in protein synthesis and collagen formation. It controls the production of oil in the skin and adds colour and brightness to the complexion. 
Apples: Vitamin C found in these fruit, helps to firm and tone the skin. It prevents free-radical damage, protects your skin cells and delays signs of ageing. (Read: 5 skincare secrets by dermatologists for radiant skin)
Beets: They are a great source of anthocyanins – a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and slows down the ageing process and helps prevent wrinkles.
Carrots: For the ultimate anti-ageing, wrinkle-fighting boost, add vegetables high in vitamin C like carrots in your diet which can protect and improve your skin. They are high in beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the most important nutrients for healthy skin.
Strawberries: Mashed strawberries mixed with honey, avocados or yoghurt can bring a healthy radiance to the skin. But you can also use the juicy red fruit to whiten teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, a natural whitening agent.
Lemons: Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen in the body. For this reason, the regular use of lemons – both internally as part of the diet and externally on the skin – can help keep your skin healthy and free from scars. 
Tomatoes: Tomatoes have an antioxidant called lycopene which acts as a sunscreen from within and has anti-ageing properties too. Tomatoes are acidic in nature and applying their pulp to the pimple causes the skin to dry and the pores of the skin in the region get tightened. (Read: Herbal remedies to get rid of pimples)
Spinach: Spinach is loaded with antioxidants which can help reduce the onset of wrinkles making it a good anti-ageing product. It also strengthens your skin tissue and has anti-inflammatory properties which helps flush out the toxins.
Amla: The extract of amla is rich in Vitamin A. This vitamin is essential in collagen production, a compound that keeps the skin looking young and elastic. Amla when consumed on an empty stomach has properties that slow down the degradation of collagen and helps the body produce more. (Read: Why amla is so great for your health)